woodpecker on tree

There's a Woodpecker Eating our House

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woodpecker on tree


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You may wonder why I called this site There's a Woodpecker eating our House? Well, as I lie on the sofa in the sitting room after lunch trying to have a rest, I am disturbed by what sounds like an ack-ack gun as a greater spotted woodpecker hammers into the wood on the front of the house. It makes me jump out of my skin. Click on the picture below to listen (it sounds 10 times louder than this) but please use your back button to return to this page. If you're not on broadband you may have to wait a while for the sound to come up!

tiny woodpecker

It is 15 years since we bought our site and some of the trees we planted then are 30' high! We have lived here for 10 years now, the garden is well established and we get a good crop of grapes and apples in the autumn.

Unfortunately digital cameras were few and far between when we began the project so I've had to scan all the photographs. We hope you've enjoyed following the story. Should you have any comments about the site please click here to e-mail us.

For those of you who have persevered to the end of this story I have created a special gallery containing just a few photographs of the wonderful views we have. Most of them are of this property taken from a distance. Please click here if you'd like to see them.

Click here to go to Nigel Rigden's web site.

Listed below are other sources relating to the creation of this web site:

The Daily Telegraph
Homebuilding and Renovating Magazine
Woodpecker photographs courtesy of the Botanic Garden at Durham University
Woodpecker voice from findsounds.com
Pyramid bullet from New Creations



Home page Stage 1 Stage 2 Getting There Extras Prize Winners! Contact

Galleries Stage 1 Stage 2 Getting There Extras Prize Winners! Long Views

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